Saturday, April 18, 2009

When fandoms collide

Okay, so most people who know me know that I'm kind of a huge fan of My Chemical Romance. No, I am not a teenager. Yes, I know many people hate them. If the first word that comes to mind when you think of them is "emo," you needn't bother reading this.

However, I am an even bigger fan of Final Fantasy VII. Yes, the original but no, not necessarily the endless stream of sequels Square-Enix keeps spawning. Yes, I saw Advent Children, which in terms of graphics was extremely pretty, but in terms of story did not make a whole lot of sense to me.

So maybe you can imagine my extreme fangirlishness (is that a word?) when I discovered that Gerard Way was collaborating with Kyosuke Himuro for the ending theme of the upcoming Blu-ray rerelease of Advent Children. Then this morning I woke up to find that the music video had surfaced...

Truth is, I'm a bit "meh" when it comes to the actual video. Not the old "rock star in a desert" cliche again... although G actually does attempt to wear leather jackets while performing in 90-something-degree heat. I know because I saw him do this at Projekt Revolution last year. (He then promptly threw up. I can only hope it taught him a lesson.) However, the thrill of seeing the lead singer of one of my favorite bands performing a song for a game I have loved since I was thirteen pretty much makes up for the generic video. I want this song on my iPod... now.

Edit: NHK pulled the video. That was fast.

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